Ghost gear
Ghost gear, also known as ALDFG (abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear),
is any type of fishing gear that's been left behind by fishing boats - accidentally or deliberately.
Ghost fishing happens when these fishing nets, lines, pots, etc. are let loose
in the ocean and continue to do their job without an owner.
Why is that a problem?
It kills marine lifeGhost gear is one of the biggest threats to marine life around the globe. Each year, hundreds of thousands of marine animals, including turtles and sharks fall victim to this silent killer. |
It fuels the plastic crisisThe majority of fishing equipment consists of plastics, which take decades to break down. Ghost nets contribute to the pollution of our ocean and make up almost half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. |
It spoils tourismDiscarded fishing gear pollutes beaches, snorkel spots, and dive sites around the world. This leads to additional costs for clean-up activities and can result in big losses for tourism. |
Working towards a
clean and healthy ocean in Myanmar
Community engagement
We love to meet local communities and learn more about how the health of marine resources affects their lives and livelihoods. We offer trainings in sustainable marine tourism to anyone who is interested.
Survey and clean-up expeditions
Each year, hundreds of thousands of marine animals are injured or killed by ghost gear.
We organize survey dives and clean-up missions to safely remove fishing nets from marine environments. |
Awareness raising
Not everyone knows about the threats to our ocean so we make it our priority to work with community leaders, fishermen, students, and tourism agencies to help locals keep the marine ecosystem clean and healthy.
What we have achieved so far
What we're currently up to